‘It was humbling to see their smiles even in a tough situation’ – Human Service Minister Visits flood-affected areas

Georgetown: Even as flooding across Guyana has caused severe devastation and suffering to residents, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud has taken note that the situation has moved Guyanese to come together and support each other.

On her visit to Kwakwani, Region 10, and other badly affected areas over the weekend, Minister Persaud and a team from her ministry saw firsthand the dire circumstances that people are enduring at the moment.

​“What I’ve seen here is devastation and people are very resilient as they try to cope with the floods. They need to be supported over the long term to rebuild and recover from what has disrupted their lives and displaced many of them. I am humbled by their spirt in face of this great difficulty and deeply concerned by how badly the lives of families, the elderly and children have been affected. It was heartbreaking,” Minister Persaud expressed.

The Government of Guyana has been on the ground across the country since the beginning of the rainy season intervening and providing as much assistance as possible.

​The team took hampers into Kwakwani, along with long boots, baby and feminine care packages, mattresses and pillows. They then made their way to Patentia, West Bank Demerara, where the team went from house to house distributing 500 food hampers, along with mattresses and pillows for those who were badly affected. Other areas like Vriesland and Two fields were also provided for. 

​Permanent Secretary Shannielle Hoosein-Outar was also on the trip, along with her deputy Anjanie Ramlall, Principal Personnel Officer Rafael Boodhoo, and other staff from the ministry.

“It broke my heart to see how people are suffering. The flood has resulted in persons losing their homes, some have relocated and some remain trying to salvage what remains,” Hoosein-Outar said, adding, “While we know that they made need much more at the moment, it was beautiful to see them smile even though they are in such a tough situation.”

She mentioned also that the ministry is very grateful that many companies have donated. “It really is amazing to see what a great outcome we have when we all work together.”

​Boodhoo observed that many people in Kwakwani were removed from their homes, forced to sleep under makeshift tents and in some cases, had their ration and belongings completely destroyed by the floods.

“While visiting some of the homes in the affected waterfront area, our boat was floating above their fences and right up to their verandas, where parents and children were both eagerly awaiting our arrival. It was truly devastating to witness. But there was a glimmer of hope in the smiles we saw as Minister Persaud interacted with them; we could see the relief in their eyes and we made a promise to continue our support to ease their suffering,” he expressed.

While at Patentia, Boodhoo reflected that the team walked to every house to hand deliver packages of relief to every household. “Residents were eagerly awaiting our arrival and we asked them not to come into the flood waters; we went to them. Some residents indicated that it’s the first time they would have received a flood relief hamper while some others indicated that it’s the first time they received one in their hand from a Minister of Government,” Boodhoo further commented.

The Human Services Ministry has every intention to continue to support the affected communities and Minister Persaud has expressed gratitude to her tireless and dedicated staff and to the members of the community and community leaders who volunteered with the Ministry’s team.