Jack is back

Port of Spain.images

Jack Warner completed almost three months of campaigning with a resounding victory in the Chaguanas West by-election by sweeping aside all other candidates.

Warner, the former Member of Parliament for Chaguanas West under the United National Congress (UNC) banner, formed his own party, the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) after his bid to seek re-election as a UNC candidate was rejected.

In a campaign that turned bitter at times, Warner steadfastly refused to say anything negative against Prime Minister and UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

During his victory speech Warner said: “It was not easy but the voice of the people is the voice of God.”

“Tonight a new era has dawned,” he said.

Up to the point of Warner’s victory speech the results showed he had collected 69 per cent of the votes with 12,631, compared to the UNC’s Khadijah Ameen, 5126, with just a few polling station count outstanding.