Georgetown: General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Bharrat Jagdeo labeled the APNU/AFC Coalition Government as “Judases,” for what he said were failed promises to the nation.
He made this remark Sunday at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant Berbice. Jagdeo said in the aftermath of the next General Elections where the APNU/AFC government will have a “massive defeat” the PPP government will be seeking incarceration for current government officials.
“Many of them will be in jail because of actual corruption, not rumours of corruption,” he said.
Referring to the no-confidence motion that was passed on December 21, 2018 after then government parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud voted for it, Jagdeo said it was not that legislator who was a Judas but the entire government.
“Who is a Judas? Who is a Judas? Who are the biggest Judases in Guyana? They betrayed all of the people of the country,” Jagdeo told the large gathering of supporters at the Cheddi Jagan Memorial Site.
He continued: “They betrayed all, Charrandass looks like a patriot in comparison to these Judases, because he saw the failed promises and the hardships on the lives of the people who live in his community (Canje) and these two Judases and many others; in fact, it is a government of Judases because they promised the Amerindians to accelerate land title and they failed them. Sidney Allicock, he is a Judas too and they promised jobs in Linden and many parts of the country so, Granger is a Judas too”.
Further he said; “Imagine Ramjattan and Nagamootoo calling Charrandass a Judas, Charrandass lives in Canje, he use to campaign with the AFC, he walked through Canje and helped them to make many of the promises that they told the people in Berbice and across the country…. They did not fulfill any of their promises and Charrandass saw the sugar workers who once had a job, who use to go on that truck and go to work in the morning, full of confidence that at the end of the month they will bring home salary, that will take care of their families and that they can buy food and put it on their table and feed their children and send them to school.”
Jagdeo expressed his concern that the government is contending that after the passage of the no-confidence, it is business as usual but he argued that the government’s business as usual stance is more of them “stealing and spending money on themselves”.
“It cannot be business as usual and particularly when the Bill or Article 106 says that the government should resign but stay in office only for the purpose of holding elections.
“So everything that is done after the 21st will be illegal but guess what, they are busy handing out contracts to themselves and the attorneys,” Jagdeo said.
Speaking on the issue of oil revenues that are expected to flow from late 2019 or early 2020, the Former President said either way Guyana would be worse off if the governing APNU+AFC coalition remains in office. “If they stay longer in office oil money or no oil money, this country will be led into ruin,” he said. Jagdeo cited several oil-producing nations, including neighbouring Venezuela, where huge oil revenues have not seen gains on social welfare.
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