Jugdement day- the talk of the town

Georgetown: Many predictions have been foretold in the past as people tend to find some sort of amusement in them. Others however are firm believers in certain groups predicting Doomsday. Today May 21 is such a day as certain Christian groups believe that the world will end and those who are non-believers in Christianity will be judged. Guyanese spared no moment in gossiping all week about the impending Doomsday. Several groups were in Guyana at certain big events like the just concluded one day match between Pakistan and the West indies, sharing out flyers about today and it’s significance. Some believe that by 6pm several eartquakes will occur across the world as a sign of Doomsday. Several factions believe that Doomsday will happen December 2012 as the philosopher Nostradamus predicted.