Barbados’ economy recorded a lost of $63 millions in foreign currency for the first six months of the year due to a lacklustre performance from key economic sectors, says Governor of the Central Bank, Dr DeLisle Worrell.
Speaking to journalists on the performance of the Barbadian economy for the six months January to June, Worrell said even though construction was expected to expand and visitors arrivals on the island are expected to increase, foreign exchange sectors are not projected to grow significantly this year.
Worrell said non trading sectors which generated jobs but not foreign exchange, where not projected to grow significantly this year because of efforts to lessen the demand for foreign currencey.
“Looking forward, the focus of fiscal policy for 2012 is tomaintain the stable balance between the demand for and the supply of foreign exchange, so that foreign reserves remain adequate and the exchange rate remains secure”, Worrell said.
The Central Bank Boss said domestic deposits in commerical banks rose by $191.8 million , foreign currency desposits fell by $175 million.
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