Georgetown: The island of Leguan saw the construction of its first Plantain Chip Factory. This facility is an initiative by the Ministry of Business aimed to create employment for the island’s residents in the factory and retail industries.

During a visit to the facility Friday, Minister of Business, Hon. Haimraj Rajkumar urged the Leguan residents to use this initiative as a stepping stone to greater things.
“We are creating some jobs, not only for the workers here [at the chip factory], but the farmers already have a market for the produce and I think it’s a good thing.”
Minister Rajkumar also cited employment opportunities in retail business in Wakenaam and Hogg Island. “I am happy to know that in a few weeks; our initiative will be making a meaningful contribution to the people in Leguan and others who are dependent on this institution.”
Supervisor of the chip factory, Lynn Halls, stated that since December, the project has featured four training sessions. With twenty-five trainees participating in the initiative, ten are to be selected for an employment opportunity at the chip factory.
According to Halls, as the business expands, more employment opportunities will arise. Fighting against minor inconveniences, Halls expects production to commence in the next four to six weeks.
‘We intend to market the product locally, especially to shops and supermarkets, and later on with the collaboration of GMC.”
Stepping into factory work for the first time, Julian Anthony, described the training programme as “good,” and is eager to gain experience.
“I am prepared to work anywhere because I have been through the process and training. I am ready to do anything.”
Born and raised in Leguan, Pibisalina Gaitoon, said that she learnt a lot from the training exercise. Having prior experience in a rice mill, Gaitoon said she expects to acquire more knowledge for managing equipment.
Minister Rajkumar expressed the hope that the local plantain chips will soon rival those produced in the Caribbean.
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