Mass support planned for Warner’s return home

Port-of-Spain: Scores of Government supporters are planning a mass show of support for the chairman of the United National Congress, FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner, who has been suspended from FIFA following bribery allegations, when he returns at the Piarco International Airport from Zurich on Thursday.

Supporters have been rallying together using the party’s group email system known as The United Voice.

Describing Warner as a “wounded soldier” the group is calling on all supporters of the UNC and the People’s Partnership Government, as well as government ministers and the prime minister, to turn out in their numbers at the airport on Warner’s return, saying they must not turn their backs on a member of their family in this time of need.

Many of the emails have been highly critical of FIFA’s president Sepp Blatter over what they see as the unfair treatment of Minister Warner.

Former president of the Used-Car Dealers Association Inshan Ishmael, who has been critical of Minister Warner in his capacity as Works and Transport Minister, has already committed to providing mass transport for supporters on Thursday.


One thought on “Mass support planned for Warner’s return home

  1. Junaid AlJameel

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    Little Jack Warner sitting in the corner…, tell them your “wrongdoing” is not as bad as the parasitic oligarchy acting as if they by themselves are the T&T Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embarking on an anti-Cuba campaign, leaving the 283 year old University of Havana off the list of Traditional Universities, and blocking Cuban doctors and Cuban-trained Trinbagonian doctors from practicing medicine in T&T. Is the parasitic oligarchy now dictating T&T foreign policy, and enforcing the illegal USA embargo against Cuba (a truly free, sovereign, and independent state with which T&T has had ties thru the Cold War), towards making T&T a USA puppet state?

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