President of the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Assocations of Barbados(CTUSAB) Cedric Murrell , says a minimun wage bill is a major issue for the organization.
Murrell noted that the Shop Wages Council is doing some work with regard to minimum wage, he however expressed the view that there are some areas in the country where the wage is not a living wage.
"We in the Congress believe that we need to examine this matter and ensure that certain jobs still do attract remuneration and a wage,that will allow it to be a living wage", Murrell told Trakker News.
"The Congress has always said that a sectoral approach may be needed , however in conjunction with our affilate the Barbados Workers Union in pushing for this. We are not acepting that some of our workers who toil daily are still unable to meet their basic needs and are falling through the cracks", Murell said.