Minister of Education concern over stabbings at secondary schools


Two stabbings at secondary schools within five days have created concerns for Minister of Education Ronald Jones.  

Last Wednesday, a 13 year old boy at the Grantley Adams Memorial School stabbed a male student of a similar age with a pair of scissors in his forearm.

Yesterday a stundent  at the St Leonard's Boys' School  stabbed another boy both of them are 12 years old.

Minister of Education Ronalnd Jones told Trakkers News he did not have the details of the two incidents but intended to get a report of the principals. 

“In most cases it is the community intrusion into the schools. It is reflective really of what has been happening in the wider community generally, the desensitisation of persons based on what they have been seeing, the games they play, the violence of movies, all of that has created a milieu. Anger management is also a major issue, persons not being able to manage their anger properly and diffuse of that anger,” Jones said.