MOU to protect human life, preserve environment

Georgetown: Adhering to its August 2019 deadline, the Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Natural Resources signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for the management of the importation of mercury in Guyana.

Dr. Vincent Adams, Executive Director EPA, Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Raphael Trotman, Trecia David- Garnath, Registrar, Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Bard and Newell Dennison, GGMC Commissioner. To the back is Marisica Charles, Technical Officer at the Ministry of Natural Resources.

This MOU will work to protect human life and preserve the environment said Minister of Natural Resources,  Raphael Trotman, who has responsibility for the mining sector in Guyana.

“The Journey to a mercury free Guyana is a long but necessary one.” Minister Trotman stated.

The MOU was signed between the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Bard.

“By working collaboratively, we will create a platform to build synergies and leverage resources for the national implementation of the Minamata Convention as we proceed and progress on our green state trajectory.” Minister Trotman assured.

The Natural Resources Minister noted that regulators were still on that pathway of making mercury history in Guyana.