National Assembly approves restoration of Govt. subvention to Critchlow Labour College

AFC Trevor WilliamsGeorgetown: The National Assembly has approved a motion, to have the annual subvention to the Critchlow Labour College restored, however, the motion was approved with the pre-condition to the provision of the subvention that the labour component of the Board of Directors of the College be comprised of four representatives from the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and four from the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC).

The motion was moved by Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams on Thursday, but, before this was agreed to, the subject was debated on, with reasons being given for the subvention being withheld and why it should be restored.

Member of Parliament Trevor Williams urged the administration to restore the subvention, thus resulting in the college offering the level of education it once did across Guyana through its three campuses.

Meanwhile Minister of Labour Nanda Gopaul, in rationalising the withdrawal of the subvention said the institution and the board lack accountability.

Minister Gopaul pointed out that since 2000; there has no filing of returns as stated in the company’s Act, in the registry. In addition, the Minister said there have been no audited statements submitted, and no known information as to the Board’s composition. All these he said were in breach of the tenets that govern the institution since its establishment.

“Therefore, the Government as an agency giving subvention was being kept in the dark, and more so no representative from the government was sitting on the board.”

In this light, the Minister added that it is the responsibility of the College and its board to show accountability.