Nationwide print packages for Nursery to Secondary students

Georgetown: Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, announced that students from the nursery to secondary levels will receive print packages within the next two weeks.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand

Originally, print packages were to cater for hinterland students many of whom do not have access to the internet and television, which hampered their abilities to participate in online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, parents and guardians of students on the coastland have since asked the Minister to provide the same alternative learning measures.

 “We heard you when you said that you wanted us to give your children worksheets here on the coast too and we believe it is a useful way of engaging children and a more comprehensive and sure way of engaging students,” Minister Manickchand said.

The print materials will come in the form of worksheets for students in the varying subject areas.

Schools in Guyana have been closed to face-to-face interactions since the country recorded its first COVID-19 case in March. Students and teachers are working remotely to mitigate learning losses.

Some $300 million was allocated in the 2020 Budget to boost education delivery through blended techniques such as television, radio, online and print learning.