Georgetown : Brand new Natural Resources Ministry held a public consultation to identify inputs by members of the public as to how the Ministry and the various agencies that fall under its purview have to function in order to effectively discharge their mandate.
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), Robert Persaud noted that the Ministry’s approach has to take into account the reality that the sector is one that is experiencing major changes.
He explained that it is imperative for all stakeholders to work as a team notwithstanding the fact that there are competing interests among themselves.
The forum also saw presentations by representatives of the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International and the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association, all of which pledged their support and expressed their eagerness to work with the new ministry so as to better manage the country’s natural resources.
The Natural Resources Ministry was established by President Donald Ramotar subsequent to the 2011 general and regional elections in recognition of the need for natural resources and environmental governance in Guyana to be better managed and streamlined given the growing opportunities and the myriad of challenges that confronts organisations within the sector.
The Ministry has responsibilities for forestry, mining, environmental management, wildlife, protected areas, land use planning and coordination and climate change.
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