Georgetown: Gross negligence on the part of a large number of taxpayers (employers and employees) to submit accurate tax returns to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) continues to stymie the processing and payment of refunds.
According to the GRA Commissioner General Khurshid Sattaur had reported that a large sum in the tune of hundreds of millions was allocated for the payment of refunds after authorisation was given to prioritise the processing of refunds to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) taxpayers for the period 2007-2012 and subsequently 2013.
However, he said the GRA has been unable to process refunds as numerous employers either have failed to submit Forms 11 information or have not provided sufficient or accurate information, deeming employees ineligible for refund payments.
“Where amounts stated as PAYE deducted on the Employer’s Return (Forms 11) did not match the taxpayer’s declaration on their return, the refund could not be processed, Sattaur said. To date, approximately 15,820 refunds have been processed.
Based on data analysis regarding the Years of Assessment 2007 to 2013, over 81,000 taxpayers with refunds had no Forms 11 information submitted by their employers.
Additionally, the analysis also revealed that for the period 2007 to 2013, there were over 6308 taxpayers whose declarations showed that they were in a refund position of $1000 and over with a cumulative value of over $146 million. However, based on verification, these persons were not eligible for refund payment.
In a majority of cases, Forms 11 (Employers’ Returns) were either never submitted or were submitted, but flagged at the stage of lodgment for not corresponding with the return of the employee among other anomalies. For Years of Assessment 2007 to 2013, approximately 14,800 Forms 11 were outstanding.
Meanwhile, there are approximately 2131 submissions for the Years of Assessment 2007 to 2013 that remain in the lodgment state pending further processing.
The Commissioner General continues to implore; taxpayers, particularly employers to honour their statutory obligations to file their Forms II and/or remit PAYE in a timely manner.
The GRA has been publishing the names of persons eligible for refunds on its website and is working fervently to process pending transactions. The availability of refunds hinges on several factors, among them, assessments of the taxpayers’ returns and employers’ remittances, as well as corroboration and reconciliation of submissions by the employer and employee.
“Once eligible, the taxpayer is contacted to ascertain whether he/she wishes to visit the GRA to uplift the refund cheque or have it mailed. Cheques are also sent to regional offices to supplement the effort of fast-tracking payments and to make it convenient for taxpayers to uplift same,” the revenue body said.
Over the years, the GRA has been hosting workshops and seminars at no cost to the taxpayer to educate them on the computation and filing of various tax returns including Forms 11 in an effort to foster better voluntary compliance.
Companies as well as sole traders are urged to seek the necessary assistance or advice on the computation and completion of the various Tax Returns from the trained and competent tax specialists, tax advisory services located at Lot 200 – 201 Camp Street, Georgetown. Persons are also urged to call the tax hotline 227-6060 extension 1201-1204.
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