Newly commissioned GDF officers urged to maintain, dignity, integrity and professionalism

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Georgetown : The newly commissioned Guyana Defence Force (GDF) officers were urged by Commander-in -Chief, President Donald Ramotar to maintain their dignity, integrity and professionalism as he delivered the feature address at the their passing out parade at Base Camp Ayanganna.

The president advised, “do not allow temptations to take away your dignity because once that happens, you will never be able to regain it….professionalism is also important in the world we live in today, material things sometimes seem to be so much so in demand and so tempting for our people. I urge you, as officers of this great organisation to always keep your integrity. The badge of rank with which you have been invested is a symbol of your authority in this organisation. I remind you that with such authority comes responsibility for your actions. You have a sacred duty and an organisational responsibility to act with the highest standards of professionalism”.

Addressing the 18 officers, two of whom are from the Belize Defence Force and one from the St Kitts Nevis Defence Force, the president congratulated them and their families for supporting their efforts. President Ramotar also said that the separation from their families and sacrifices made by officers, during training, are in keeping with the GDF’s mantra of “Country first, family second and self last”.

He added that the successful completion of the Standard Officers’ Course 47 at the Colonel Ulric Pilgrim Officer Cadet School (CUPOCS) indicates that they are physically fit, mentally agile, confident in decision making abilities, responsible and accountable for the non-commissioned officers and other ranks who will serve under their command. “It is an acknowledgment that you have the necessary attributes that will inspire those under your command”.

The Commander-in-Chief also reiterated his called for army ranks to act in accordance with the constitution when conducting their duties, in a non partisan and professional manner, during the upcoming General and Regional Elections. He stated they must inspire confidence in the Guyanese people and demonstrate to the world that “we are a mature people, with the ability to make the right decisions, based on our circumstances”.

In closing the president said he reposed great confidence in the chief-of-staff, officers and ranks of the GDF, “to be worthy sons and daughter in service to this great country of ours and to our citizens”. He charged the new officers to be a credit to their families and themselves, and to be role models for other youths who aspire to serve in the Guyana Defence Force”.

Taking the Best Student prize, Brazilian Armed Forces Award, Venezuelan Armed Forces Award and Sword of Honour was 99921 Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Lewins Langellier, 999201 2Lt, Noel August was the Runner-up Best Student, Best Drill and Best military Knowledge was 999204 Winette Smartt. The only female on the course and Best Shot and Fitness Awards went to 999240 Ancel Tench of the Belize Defence Force. The other new officers are Keon Stoby, Anand Persaud, Worren Mars, Robin Rogers, Jashawn, Norville, Kevin Sultan, Kaya Dover, Neil Mc Donald, Shaquone Prince, Shane Ramphal, Gevon Mc Almont and Patrick Farley -Grant. They joined more than 596 officers who have been trained locally for the local joint services and Caricom states, since training began in 1981 at CUPOCS Base Camp Stephenson, Timehri.

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