Not a easy task being a businessman


The focus of a number of businesses in Barbados is survival.This observation was made by president of the Barbados Private Sector Association, John William.

He remarked that business operations are being carried out in a local and international trading environment that has not been seen before.

“Cash flows are under tremendous pressure,containing operating expenses and attracting customers is of paramount importance. In addition, the challenge is to keep prices at a sustainables in the face of mounting costs of imputs and rising energy prices”, Williams said.

“As in the public sector, maintaining employment levels is the main problem for all management team. These factors must be balanced with the need to create value for the shareholders. Doing business today is not an easy task”, Williams said.

He was speaking to business leaders at the survey of the NISE Employment Engagement Index surey for the period Juldy to September at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre over the weekend