One laptop per family programme to be launched tomorrow.

Georgetown –  The Guyana International Conference Centre will be the venue for the launch of the programme which President Bharrat Jagdeo, ministers of the government and others are expected to attend.
The programme follows President Jagdeo’s vision for Guyana to be on par with the rest of the world in the ICT sector which he has listed among the new growth poles for the country.
 Government has set 2015 as the target when every Guyanese becomes versed in the use of the computer and will complement this plan with the roll out of the OLPF where 90,000 families receive one laptop free of cost.
In the first phase of the project thousands of laptops will be distributed to fulfill the broad objective of catalyzing community growth and empowerment, stimulating intelligent young minds and enhancing capacity for learning.On January 11, stakeholders on the OLPF programme met at a workshop at the Ministry of Health to share perspectives and make recommendations on the enhancement of the programme. Sesh Sukhdeo is the programme’s Senior Project Manager.