Opposition groups in New York protested Jagdeo and Ramotar meeting at Liberty Ave


PNCR Brooklyn Chapter-New York

Press Statement

Errol Lewis, Phone#718-879-2662

On Friday, April 29th, PNCR Brooklyn Chapter, AFC representatives and other anti-dictatorship forces held a protest in front of Club Tobago, Liberty Ave, New York, against the PPP government continued mis-management of the country. Approximately 60 persons braved the cold spring evening to let President Jadgeo and presidential candidate Donald Ramotar know of their dissatisfactions over the mismanagement of the country and their abuse of the state’s resources. The groups in a two-hour protest (6:00 to 8:00pm) carried placards bearing messages of their concerns about the abuse of theConsolidated Fund, the growing narco-economy, escalating crimes, discrimination, poverty, torture and called for a change in government.

During the protest Police of the New York 103 Precinct arrested Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor at American University, who worked at Office of the President, Chronicle columnist and Propaganda Czar of the PPP. He was arrested for “disorderly conduct and obstructing governmental administration” and to be arraigned on Saturday April 30th. When the police first arrested him, Persaud lied about his name, giving it as Baron Persaud. The Brooklyn Chapter found this behaviour inappropriate since this arrest was based on him attacking the right to freedom of speech by persons protesting Jagdeo and Ramotar, a right enjoyed by every American, of which the same cannot be said of Guyanese in Guyana. Persaud must have felt he was in Guyana where freedom of speech is enjoyed only by some, causing him to abuse the anti-government protestors and police which led to his arrest.





As Guyanese resident in USA, the PNCR Brooklyn Chapter remains very committed to our homeland and how it is being governed. As such the PPP is put on notice that whenever they visit New York we will be there, carrying placards and expressing our disappointment against their dictatorship.

Guyana is a land of six peoples, with a motto of One People One Nation One Destiny and if those living in the USA can enjoy opportunities and their rights as minorities, then Guyanese at home must be able to enjoy similar rights in their homeland. The PPP has proven it is unfit to govern since over the years it has failed to govern in the interests of all and has been of great embarrassment to Guyanese, home and abroad.