St. John’s Antigua: Opposition senator, EP Chet Greene, is hurling Prime Minister, Baldwin Spencer’s comments about people being unpatriotic and harmful to diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China back at him, according to a report in the Antigua Observer. Spencer said that rising controversy over the 30 mega watt power plant at Crabbs is “unpatriotic and dangerous”.
Government borrowed US $47 million for the plant, including six generators. The opening was last September, but reports have since surfaced that the gen sets are aged, not new, and that the price quoted might have been inflated.
The Observer report said Spencer stated Thursday that the plant is “fully functional” and is “providing reliable power.” He said reports are driven by an opposition-and-business agenda meant to derail government and “attack the relationship” between China and Antigua & Barbuda.
But Greene countered, Friday, saying it is PM Spencer who is being unpatriotic .“No Antiguan and Barbudan following this saga could support the prime minister’s view that the relationship between Antigua & Barbuda and the Peoples Republic of China is under attack…If anybody suggests it’s under attack, the attack comes from the prime minister and his government and their refusal to answer pertinent and important questions asked by the Antigua and Barbuda people about the generators at Crabbs,” Greene said. He charged that it is the prime minister’s modus operandi to use “the patriotic act” when government “can’t find answers.”
“With respect to the generators at Crabbs, are they old or are they new? If they are new, say so. If they are old, say so. If you wittingly engaged in the purchase of old engines, then you have been caught. If you have been duped, then there is need for an investigation to clear you of any involvement in this process. It’s as simple as that,” Greene added.
The Observer report said that speculation has been ongoing in recent weeks, following the publication of photos on and news reports that have raised questions about the costs and age of the gen sets and if the country received value for money. The debate has been one-sided, fuelled by government’s silence.
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