PAC’s Exchange visit to French Guiana’s Amazonian National Park

Georgetown: A team from the Protected Areas Commission of Guyana participated in a study tour of the French Amazonian National Park in French Guiana from February 04– 10, 2020.

Led by the Deputy Commissioner, Odacy Davis, the 5 member Team of the Technical arm of the PAC engaged with management of the Park at its Cayenne headquarters, to explore their strategies and approaches to protected areas management.

There are many commonalities in the biodiversity and ecosystems, the challenges and threats to managing this biodiversity, and opportunities and approaches to effective management.

The Team therefore focused on approaches, tools, techniques and technologies that may be applied to the Guyana context to improve the work of the PAC.

The team also shared the work of the Commission with staff of the Amazonian National Park in an effort to also improve their management actions. Park Amazonia also facilitated a field visit to the Mont Grand Matoury Nature Reserve which is forest that overlooks the town of Cayenne and the suburb of Matoury.

This study tour came as a follow up to a previous visit in 2018, when with the funding support of WWF Guianas, the PAC visited the Park, and through a series of meetings and field trips, identified several areas for cooperation and capacity building.

Some key areas that the Team therefore further explored included GIS and Remote Sensing, management planning, integration of culture and traditional knowledge in protected areas management, and communication strategies.

The trip is an activity under the Capacity Building component of the Guyana Protected Areas System (GPAS III) project, which is funded by the German Government through the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Guyana.  The GPAS III project is currently being implemented in

GPAS III is a 4.8 million Euros project that focuses on supporting the development of infrastructure in three protected areas in Guyana; community resource use (including livelihood related projects) and capacity building for effective management of the protected areas.

Other Team members that participated in the study tour included Senior Protected Areas Officers Ms. Sara Henry and Ms. Anupana Puran; and Protected Areas Officers Mr. Timothy Babb and Mrs. Jessica George.