PM protecting Jack Warner

  bb rowley   Port of Spain; Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley is claiming Minister of National Security Jack Warner is above the law. He alleged Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar is covering up the accusations being made about Mr. Warner, involving investigations by Federal Bureau of Investigations and Internal Revenue Service involving Warner and FIFA. Mr. Rowley said the nation need to decide if he should step down or remain in cabinet, he said the Prime Minister has sufficient grounds to ask the minister to resign “and if he doesnt leave then fire him.”

In her latest statement about the matter, the PM said she will make an informed decision in the matter when the facts were officially established, and advised the Attorney General to write to the US counterpart for official information regarding the matter. Dr. Rowley believe the PM is afraid to act severley about the matter, and in a statement he said “we all know if the Prime Minister acts against the Minister of National Security, the Minister of National Security is threatening to act against the Prime Minister.

The thought expressed by Dr Rowley was that if the Government is claiming they are unable to get information from the US, its a clear indication they are obviously snubbing the Trinidad and Tobago government and it’s also a sign of how far we have fallen in our relationship with them. He insisted that if Mr Warner is continuing to be protected their can be further unpleasant treatment from the United States, which will have a negative effect on our population. 

Rowley said the PM has the responsibility to protect the interest of T&T by removing Minister Jack Warner from the Cabinet, and that by her actions she has put Warner “above the public interest”