PNC/R Presidential Candidate lauded muslims for promoting important cultural resource.

Georgetown: The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman together with the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and the Muslim Youth League were congratulated by PNCR Presidential Candidate, Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger for organizing the National Qaseeda Competition on Sunday 12th June 2011.
The competition which features songs of praise and adoration about the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad is a tradition brought to Guyana by Indian indentured immigrants 173 years ago. The Anjuman has been credited with reviving and preserving the tradition which has its origins in Arabia during the life of the Holy Prophet 1400 years ago.

Mr. Granger pointed out that, “the art of Qaseeda is little known outside of the Islamic community”. He said however, “… this was an important National Cultural resource” and called on the Anjuman to make it better known among other sections of the Guyana population.
Competitors from Guyana will be selected to travel to Suriname to compete against singers from Suriname and Trinidad in an international competition. Mr. Granger also presented prizes to some of the successful competitors.