Police dealing with domestic violence within communities back on front burner

Georgetown : Senior Members of the Guyana Police Force including Crime Chief, Assistant Commissioner Paul Williams, DSM met with Ms. Karen De Souza and other representatives of Red Thread, yesterday.
The discussion surrounded the “preliminary report” of a two-year project which commenced in 2016 focusing on “Engaging communities for improving implementation of Domestic Violence laws”.
Communities targeted were: Plaisance/BetterHope, La Parfaite Harmonie, Bartica, Lethem and Anna Regina.
During the research, police stations within the stated communities would have been observed as it relates to how members of the Force are dealing with domestic violence and other related matter.
From the discussion, both positive and negative behavior and action would have been observed but during the meeting those issues were addressed; also the officers in attendance pledged to continue to focus on strengthening their collaborative efforts, in addressing Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Sexual Offences and other aspects of crime prevention.