Popular water park shut down for allegedly stealing water

Rio Claro: The Water and Sewerage Authoirity has cut off the water supply of the popular Harry’s Water Park on the Tabaquite Main Road, Rio Claro and it’s owner Harrypersad Ragoonanan, is to appear before a Rio Claro Magistrate in September to answer a charge of making an illegal water connection off the Authority’s 16 inch diameter ductile iron main.

The Authority says it has also found evidence of tampering of its four inch washout valve located off a 12 inch PVC main in close proximity to the Park.

WASA has recently increased action to crack down on the number of illegal connections to its pipeline network with several exercises aimed at identifying, removing and regularising such connections.

WASA says Harry’s Water Park is being billed for consumption of between 11,000 and 15,000 gallons of water per day but estimates put actual consumption at 30,000 gallons per day.

The authority says that  investigations carried out over several months have revealed that an illegal 2-inch PVC line was connected to a 16 inch transmission main and a four inch washout valve tapped directly into a WASA’s transmission main that was channeled, via gravity directly into the water park.