The announcement was made by the Speaker just after the Government moved and used its majority to pass a motion suspending Edghill for his “gross misconduct” during the sitting of the Assembly Monday when he refused to follow the Speaker’s orders to sit and then leave the Chambers.
Mr. Edghill attempted to head to the Parliament buildings Tuesday morning but was prevented from doing so by Police officers at the barriers surrounding the Parliament.
Inside the Chamber, Government Chief Whip, Minister of Social Protection Amna Ally successfully moved a motion, which did not require debate, for Edghill to be suspended from all sittings of the House until December 15, 2017.
“Following the gross disorderly conduct of the Honourable Member, Juan Edghill of the 79th sitting of parliament, I wish to move that this member be suspended from the service of the Assembly for the next four sittings of this Assembly, that is December 15th, 2017,” Ally said.
The House Speaker then said Edghill remains suspended based on a Standing Order that “authorises penalty that goes to the end of the session. So grave is that conduct so that allowing the person the benfit of four additional days suspension is the most lenient that he could be treated”.
Reacting, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said, “I just to wish record our significant dissatsifaction with what you just said in this Chamber. You spoke about the unprecedented behaviour but you did not speak about the unprecedented presence of police in this House. The police assaulted people and you yourselves said you did not invite into this House. I believe this is an attempt to muzzle Juan Edghill.”
The decisions came one day after House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland ruled Edghill out of order and ordered his removal from the House. At the center of the issue is the PPP’s position that insufficient time has been given for consideration of the budget estimates for the Ministry of the Presidency because four programme areas have been added to that entity.
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