President commends smooth voting process of discipline service ranks

Georgetown: President David Granger Friday morning commended the smooth voting process by the disciplined services who are casting their ballots for the upcoming General and Regional Elections today.

These include the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Guyana Police Force (GPF) Guyana Fire Service (GFS) and Guyana Prison Service.

President Granger visited Base Camp Ayanganna and Police Officers Club, Eve Leary accompanied by Ministry of the Presidency, Director-General Joseph Harmon.

The Head of State indicated his satisfaction with the punctual start of the voting process and emphasised his visit was not in any way an obstruction to the procedure.

“The process is smooth; it is proceeding without interruption. I am very satisfied with the turnout and I think the people of Guyana can be assured that the disciplined forces are performing their civic duty. They are not being obstructed by the administration in any way and the administration of the elections commission seems to be functioning efficiently,” the Commander-in-Chief underscored.

President Granger said come March 2 he expects a similar process as it relates to the efficiency of the voting process.

“I expect that on the second of March the national process will be equally satisfactory executed by the elections commission which has responsibility for that function,” he stated.

Chief of Staff of the GDF Brigadier Patrick West was the first to cast his vote at Base Camp Ayanganna followed by other ranks. He noted that approximately 3000 soldiers will be casting their ballot today with a turnout of 95 percent.

The remainder he said will vote on March two. The Chief of Staff noted that every rank has the right to vote for a political party of their choice as every election is critical in the development of any nation.

Brigadier West explained that “anybody could appeal to any citizen, at the end of the day, we are all citizens of Guyana and we will all have those choices to make now and in the future and I do not see anything wrong with political leaders sharing from their own platform their intentions about what they will do for Guyana.”

Commissioner of Police Leslie James also cast his ballot and expressed his satisfaction with the easy flow of the voting process. Up to press time, he noted that no incident has been reported.