PSA, Niherst sign 5 percent agreement

Port-of-Spain: The Public Services Association (PSA) has signed yet another five percent agreement with a state organisation, despite protest action by 18 trade unions opposed to a Government wage cap of five percent.

The National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST) has announced that it signed the agreement with the PSA on Friday for the payment of revised salaries, cost of living allowances and lump sum payment for the period January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2010.

The signing took place at the PSA head office and Niherst says it was a significant milestone in clearing the backlog of outstanding agreements to be finalised for Niherst employees.

The PSA team included president Watson Duke and General Secretary Nixon Callender, both of whom were at the centre of controversy during Thursday’s storming of the psa by members of the association.