Rum industry under threat says Minister


The Government of Barbados  is monitoring growing threats to the local rum and spirits industry.Hon[1][1]. Donville Inniss

According to Minister of Industry and Commerce Donville Inniss there are several companies which are heavily subsidising their products to get them into the local spirit’s markets at the expense of local businesses.

Speaking at the launch of the  launch of the 310th celebrations of Mount Gay last night at the Mount Gay Visitors Centre, Mr. Inniss promised that Government will be working to ensure that Barbadian products enjoy a fair share of the local market.

Inniss said that he was aware of the international  battle taken currently over subsidies in the rum industry and stressed that the Government will work urgently to ensure that the concerns of Barbadian rum manufacturers are raised in the international fora.

The Minister said the rum industry  is a vital part of the Barbadian earning  over $50 million in foreign exchange and employing several  thousand  workers.