Point Lisas: Police are investigating seven murders and the shootings of three men.
Around 5:45 this afternoon a woman was shot dead near the Point Lisas roundabout in full view of motorists and pedestrians. The woman has been identified as Denise Philip of Claxton Bay.
Reports say the employee of Church’s Chicken was awaiting transport when a man walked up to her and shot her in the head. He then sped off on a bicicle. The cause of the incident has not as yet been estatblished.
In Arima around 8 o’clock last night, Keyon Boldon, Tony Brussco, Lester Mollineau and Kern Mitchell were with a group of eight other persons talking at the Jonestown, Mausica Lands when two gunmen walked up pretending to ask for directions.
The gunmen then opened fire on the group. As the men scampered to safety at a nearby parlour the gunmen followed killing Boldon, Mollineau and Brussco and injuring Alvin Duncan, Eugene Khan and Ian Richardson. The men then followed Mitchell into some bushes where he was fatally shot.
Police believe the incident may have been a reprisal for a recent murder.
Less than ten minutes later homicide detectives were called out to another shooting at Evens Reece Boulevard, Phase Four La Horquetta. Shawn Thompson was playing cards with friends when a gunman walked up and shot him dead. Police believe his murder was gang related.
Shortly after six this morning police responded to the body of a man seen on the ground at Seventh and Sixth Street, Beetham Gardens. The body was that of Krisendath Mungroo, whose head was partially severed.
He also had bullet wounds to his body which was also severly burnt.
Police are investigating all these murders which have taken the murder count so far to 273.
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