Georgetown: The Minister of Home Affairs is on a serious campaign throughout various sections of the country to make the roadways safer. Despite the many loss of lives every year through carelessness and speeding on the country’s roads, drivers fail to stop their deadly practices. Statistics have shown that among the categories of drivers that are involved in fatal accidents, 80% of them are minibus and taxi drivers. Most of these drivers often jump the red lights and overtake most recklessly putting other drivers in harms way. Trakkernews has made it’s own observation on the roadways. What is troubling, is the fact that some traffic ranks turn a blind eye to these violations for a steady bribe. They are what some call ‘regulars’ . Only recently the Police Commissioner stated that for this year more officers were brought before the courts for breaches, including harrasment, excessive force and bribery.
Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee said that statistics indicate that passengers and pedestrians suffer more on the roadway.In 2010, statistics show that there were seven vehicular accidents which ended in fatalities. Twenty-nine passengers, 22 motorcyclists, one pillion rider, 38 pedestrians, and 18 pedal cyclists who died on the roadways.
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