Teen implicates taxi driver in murder of security guard in cemetery

Georgetown: A 17-year-old boy has confessed to police that security guard Margaret Dawson was robbed and killed in the Le Repentir Cemetery by a taxi driver last Sunday evening.

Dead: Margaret Dawson

Police arrested the 17-year-old who claimed he witnessed the attack; a 16-year-old friend, and a taxi driver, whose vehicle was found in the cemetery.

Reports indicate that the teen told police he watched the taxi driver whom is his friend strip the 68 year old victim of her jewellery and other valuables.

He confessed that the taxi driver had given him a one of the woman’s gold ring to keep but he did not participate in the robbery and later fled the scene when the taxi driver began to drag the 68-year-old victim further into the cemetery.

The teen allegedly sold one of the slain woman’s gold rings to an Albouystown resident. The suspicious resident learnt about the murder and contacted the police.

The following day Mrs. Dawson’s battered body was found in the cemetery. Her rings, cell phone and other valuables were missing.

A postmortem performed Wednesday revealed that she had been strangled and raped.

The taxi driver was detained after his vehicle was found a short distance from the slain guard as  

Investigators are likely to seek legal advice as early regarding murder charges.

Dawson, of 158 Curtis Street Albouystown was slain while heading to work last Sunday. The 17-year-old has indicated that she was taking a short cut through Le Repentir Cemetery when she was attacked.