Today is Budget day


Minister of Finance Chris Sinickler, will present the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals today when the House of Assembly convenes today at 4.p.m.

Sinckler’s second Budget, after his first on November 22, last year, is being looked forward to with great anticipation.

Several business organizations, groups along with the Barbadian public  are anxiously awaiting the Proposals.President of the Barbados Hotel& Tourism Association, Colin Jordan, has urged the minister to avoid placing  any hindrances in the way of vital foreign exchange earning sectors.

President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Andy Armstrong, is asking the minister not to dampen economic activity, since there is too much risk if prices continue to rise and disposable income continues to fall at this time.

The Small Business Association want programmes to stabilise and stimulate the sector including access to adequate finance.

Most Barbadians are lamenting the recession and its effect on them.They have also been crying out for an ease from the Government. The answers to the questions will be given this evening.