The increasing number of young people returning to prison have become a headache for officials in Barbados with the rate of recidivism increasing between 50 and 60 percent,says Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs Adriel Brathwaite.
Speaking at a two day sensitization workshop on a Drug Treatment Court being held at the Hilton Hotel, Brathwaite said:
“I have looked at the statistics between 2010 and 2012, between 18.5 and 20 percent of the persons convicted are for drug related crimes I believe that if we take into consideration other crimes such as burglary and robbery the percentage would be higher .If drugs are the cause of the problem, then we must find a way to wean our young men and women off drugs”.
He stated that a Drug Treatment Court will be soon establish in Barbados as an alternative to incareration for drug dependent offenders.
Several members of the legal fraternity, judges of the High Court, social workers , representatives from the Ontario Court of Justice and the Organization of American States are attending the workshop.
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