Two policemen charged with abduction, felonious wounding of suspected burglar

Georgetown: Two policemen, Constables Daniel Bernard, 24, and Isaiah Bernard, 26, of Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara who allegedly burned a teenager that burgled their home were on Friday placed on GYD$800,000 bail.

The brothers appeared before Magistrate Ally-Seepaul at the Leonora Magistrates’ Court. The case was transferred to the Wales Magistrates’ Court for January 30, 2020.

The law enforcement officers were required to surrender their passports and report to the Wales Police Station every Friday.

The men’s home was broken into on December 12 and items were removed. They were said to have received word that 17-year old Ashkay “Gauge” Budhiram of Westminster, West Bank Demerara was somehow involved in the incident.

The two officers, one stationed at Wales and the other from the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) picked up the teen from his home and transported him in a private vehicle to their house where he was beaten and tortured.

They were jointly charged with intent to wrongfully confine him and unlawfully and maliciously wounding with intent to maim, disfigure and cause him grievous bodily harm.

The Bernard brothers, according to the prosecution, took Budhiram to an unknown location where they threw hot liquid, more than likely water, from a kettle on him.