Two West Indian cricketers Tino Best and Devon Smith, are among 16 players who have started legal proceeding against the organisers of the Cricket All Stars match in Toronto last May claiming they have not been paid.
Ontario based Kat Rose Custom Designs Inc the organisers of the match, were served notices earlier this week in Toronto Small Claims Court for unpaid fees and expenses totalling $US113,000.
"We are incrediblly disappointed and distressed by the lack of professionalism of the Kat Rose Organisation.The players fulfilled their contractual obligations and are now out of pocket to the tune of several thousands dollars",says Tim May, the chief executive officer of the Federation of Internation Cricketers' Association.
The match was played between an Asia/Canada Eleven and an International Eleven. Kat Rose who contracted the players individually is claim due to the absence of cricketers from Pakistan, the game was financially unsuccessful.
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