UK billionaire offers to help market TT

Port-of-Spain: The government has received some support for its decision to bring a second Carnival to Tobago from one of the world’s most successful and wealthy entrepreneurs and innovators, Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Atlantic Airways. Branson is the fifth richest person in the United Kingdom. He was the guest of honour at the close of the Caribbean Investment Forum.

He owns more than 400 companies across the globe has encouraged the government and the local business sector to exploit their local celebrities more in branding and selling this country.

With a net worth of 4.6 billion pounds, Sir Richard spends alot of his wealth on non-profit ventures and he has agreed to partner with this country in promoting it overseas and also in clean energy.

At the close of the Caribbean Investment Forum, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar declared Trinidad and Tobago open for business, encouraging greater partnerships with her government.

Sir Richards left late Tuesday evening by private jet, tweeting, “thank you Trinidad and Tobago: Prime Minister Kamla: delightful, caring and most importantly for T&T, honest. Great music by Machel Montano.”