Unlicensed broadcasters urged to get their act together by Oct. 31. – GNBA chairperson Bibi Shaddick

Georgetown : The Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) Board Chairperson Bibi Shaddick, under the Post and Telegraph Act Chapter 47:01 issued five television, two radio and two cable stations with their broadcasting licence for the period January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. 

Shaddick calls on the other broadcasting houses to get their act together and have the necessary documentations and fees paid before October 31, 2013.

The broadcasting entities were also issued with their 2013 spectrum licence, which operates in conjunction with the broadcasting licence. The spectrum licence assigns frequencies and gives specifications for transmission.

The entities issued the licences include television stations; Television Guyana Inc, GWTV Channel 2, Pinnacle Communication Inc (Alfro Alphonso Station,) Multi Technology Vision (MTV) Inc, and CNS Inc. The radio stations are Radio Guyana Inc and Telecor, Cultural and Broadcasting Inc, and the cable stations; Atlantic Cable and E-Network.

The licences were uplifted by representatives of the various entities at the simple handing over exercise, which took place at the National Frequency Management Unit at Hadfield Street, yesterday.

The exercise was conducted to publish that licences have been granted for 2013, Shaddick said. It is required by law that the agency advertises the licences issued in the official gazette. Shaddick explained that the wait was to ensure several were ready that could be advertised in bulk instead of singly.

Shaddick also congratulated the entities that were issued their 2013 broadcasting licences for putting themselves in order and thereby facilitating a quick licencing process. 
