Chaguanas: Residents of Flamboyant Avenue in Enterprise are calling for action against pitbulls which this morning mauled resident Denise Rakal to death.
Rakal was said to be on her way home just after five this morning when she was attacked by the dogs which are allegedly owned by a police officer. Residents say while it’s not the first time that the dogs have attacked residents, previous complaints to the police brought no results.
The dogs managed to get out of their owners’ compound and attacked the helpless woman. She was killed on the spot. The officer who is said to own the dog was at the scene but refused to be interviewed on the allegations that the dogs had terrorized residents in the past.
This incident comes on the heels of the attack on four-year-old Ezekiel Cumberbatch in Palmiste, San Fernando and residents are now demanding that the authorities take decisive action.
Scores of residents gathered to express their shock at the killing, but there are some who are suggesting that had initial reports about the dogs been taken seriously by the police this might have been avoided. Now they want the police commissioner to intervene.
It has not been stated what action, if any, would be taken against the owner of the dogs.
Michele Meosa
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What a sad thing indeed. It is one thing to be attacked by dogs due to unlawful entry to someone’s property, but to be going about your daily affairs and to experience such an horrendous fate is atrocious.
Once again, our Protective Services have failed another citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.
Where are you when reports of impending danger are made? This whole affair could have been avoided.
I don’t want to hear that the dogs were euthanized – they are simply the by-products of the training/ rearing provided by their owner. In this case, someone who is supposed to up-hold the law and protect us, and therefore, who I believe should be penalized severely.
Or will he walk away, due to his affiliation, which appears to be the norm here in T & T.
A life has been taken – I await retributive action – “An eye for an eye!”
Many citizens, like myself, long for a day when our faith can be restored in our Protective Services and Judicial System.
I extend my heartfelt prayers and sympathy to the family of Mrs. Rackal.